Domain Deployment
The majority of established businesses have an existing web presence. This does not preclude the integration of additional domain names to augment and protect the existing brand:

  • America's/ Discount Tire® > |
  • Barnes & Noble® > |
  • CreditCards > ​ | ​
  • Fandango® > |

Adaptation is SOP as companies realize the importance of owning domains descriptive of what they do. There are a number of integration options:

  • Forward the domain to the home page of your existing website​​, Facebook, Instagram or similar. This is common
  • Forward the domain to a specific location within your existing website. Extremely useful if there are multiple product and/or service categories within the site
  • Duplicate your existing website and relaunch on the new domain
  • Take a data feed of select products and/or content from your existing website and place it on the newly acquired, company branded domain


Augment and protect your marketshare. Your competition wants to take it from you.